Office Flirting – Anti sexual harassment training California

Office Flirting - Anti sexual harassment training California

Dealing with Flirting Issues in the Workplace

Most companies have rigid policies against office romance. In other words, office flirting is a big no-no. These cases do not only besmirch the organization’s image. The reputation of employees involved and their families especially married individuals are also tainted. 

Here are some tips on how to deal with a flirty colleague at the workplace. 


Be very professional

It is effective to thwart a flirting attempt by displaying right-down professionalism. By adopting a serious and straightforward attitude toward your co-employees, you will easily earn their respect. Make it clear that you are in that organization to do your job. Hence, relationships with peers must be totally professional.


Be candid.

Being frank means gently rejecting the amorous co-worker. Tell the person that you feel uncomfortable with his or her actions. Cite reasons like you are already committed to your partner. Likewise, mention that you are bothered by the flirting and will bring this matter to management unless it stops. Do not allow sexual remarks to go unchallenged. Otherwise, your fellow worker might think that it is alright to be flirted with.

office flirting anti sexual harassment

Stress your concerns about this misconduct.

  • Emphasize your concerns during one of your breaks. 
  • Say it straight that as a professional, you will never start a workplace affair. 
  • You are not attracted or interested in that person.
  • You believe it is absolutely wrong to have a personal relationship in the company.
  • You will certainly report this to management if it does not stop.


Ignore the flirty employee.

It may be effective to just turn a deaf ear to the advances. For example, if that person makes an offensive or vulgar joke, do not show your amusement. Or, say the joke is not funny. Keep irrelevant talk to a minimum to avoid invitations on going on a date. Conversations should be formal and discuss official matters only.


Join co-workers during breaks

Link up with colleagues you are at ease with during meal breaks or office gatherings. This will prevent that individual to flirt with you or reject possible unnecessary advances. It will also help if you make it known to your officemates that you already have a special someone to finally dissuade that person’s advances.


Report to management.

Report incidents of improper office flirting to your immediate superior, the HR department, or management to stop this inappropriate act. This can be your last option if it gets worse and become a form of sexual provocation. See to it that you prepare a complete report pointing out instances when all these happened. Declare the exact offensive remarks and seek out witnesses who can confirm your accusations. 


Professionalism is Key

Office flirting is normal. This is even an indication that other people see that you are attractive and desirable. You may even like being flirted with. However, this is wrong especially in an organization where the priority of employees is to focus on their respective jobs. 


PCS Prostaff – Certified Solutions Provider

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