HR Challenges, Issues, & Solutions – Year 2022

HR Challenges, Issues, & Solutions – Year 2022

For two years (since March 2019), the health crisis wreaked havoc on the whole world. While this happened, nations, governments, the business sector, and populations were adversely affected. Companies close, Businesses shut down. Millions of people lost their jobs. On the positive side, technological innovations surfaced. Jobless individuals became more creative and took to entrepreneurship. Amid all these developments, the working environment significantly changed. Moving forward, HR stakeholders must apply the lessons learned from the COVID-19 experience. Now, they must identify these challenges and issues to formulate effective solutions for each one.

Workforce Turnover
Resignations increased during the health crisis. Employees have different reasons. Among these are work environment, compensation, change of plans, burnout, or opting to become entrepreneurs. These turnovers may be inevitable, but HR managers must do something to deal with this problem. HR managers and staff must acquire essential skills that can help them control high turnover rates.
Some of these competences include empowerment or confidence-building so employees can have the capacity to cope with increasing workload. Remote leadership since the Work from Home model has emerged. Leaders must be able to motivate subordinates even without personal interactions. They must also maximize the use of technology to make their teams more efficient. On the other hand, top management must work hard to retain qualified leaders in their organizations.

Lack of Balance
The lack of balance between HR and the enterprise can worsen during troubled times. If management and the HR leaders do not see eye to eye, this can spread within the organization causing a serious communication problem. These differences will surely affect operations and the working environment. To address this concern, executives must collaborate to craft a potent leadership strategy. The right symmetry generates solidarity that will spill over to all levels in the company.

Employee Commitment
Commitment among the workforce has been a perennial issue in many businesses. Problems in employee engagement usually lead to resignations. Committed workers indicate a positive outlook, high level of production, and involvement in their responsibilities. On the contrary, employees who are not engaged manifest negative behavior and low productivity. These individuals cannot be relied upon to contribute to the company’s goals, targets, and overall success.
HR must immediately find out the reason for worker discontentment. The employee might have disagreements with coworkers or supervisors. It is also possible that the person is not satisfied with the pay or assignments. Health and safety concerns are also the possible causes of this condition. In this case, HR can conduct a counselling session and think of employee programs for motivation.

Remote Work Arrangement
It is possible that some companies will continue to adopt the hybrid work approach for some time. Some workers after getting used to this system refuse to return to the worksite. Virtual employment has also been popular even before the pandemic occurred. It is the responsibility of employers to balance the organization’s requirements with the employees’ preferences. This remains a ticklish matter. Thus, HR can plan for a scenario wherein there is a proper work and life balance like establishing time/output expectations and effective system of communications.

Readiness of HR
There are other challenges that may arise all of a sudden. This will require the flexibility and prompt response of HR leaders in case obstacles also come up in the process.

PCS Prostaff – Solutions Provider
PCS Prostaff has been in the business of providing a variety of HR services for different business organizations in California and adjacent states during the last 20 years. You can always visit our website at to see our competencies. Or call us at (866) 413-4103 during business hours to set an appointment.

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