This training is recommended for individuals in a management role and complies with those states that require mandatory training, with the exception of California. For compliance with California mandatory training, those in management roles should complete Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers and Supervisors – California (AB 1825/2053)
Harassment can have a very negative impact on an organization’s work environment. Managers and supervisors have a responsibility to both their employees and their company to know their role in preventing and responding to all forms of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment. This two-hour course is intended to help develop a set of values in managerial and supervisory employees that will assist them in preventing and effectively responding to incidents of workplace harassment.
Duration: 120 mins.
This course will be archived on November 6, 2020.
If users do not complete the training by or before then, mid-course progress will be lost. After November 6, 2020, users will receive the new course. If users complete or have already completed the course prior to November 6, 2020, certificates will be stored and accessible.
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