Benefits of Harassment Training to your Organization

Benefits of Harassment Training to your Organization

The once taboo topic that is harassment is finding its light now that more and more people have been vocal about their experiences and how to combat it. The Collins English Dictionary defined harassment as “a behavior which is intended to trouble or annoy someone, for example, repeated attacks on them or attempts to cause them problems.”

Harassment can happen anywhere, and the workplace is not an exemption. Workplace harassment occurs when someone would verbally or physically attack someone because of his/her race, color, religion, gender, nationality, age and disability.

More importantly, harassment strains relationships. This can be very toxic in a workplace especially that the cooperation of everyone is needed in order to reach the organization’s goals.

Harassment cases have reached an alarming level. In fact, it is one of the significant litigation causes in California. In order to prevent this issue from causing further harm, it is vital for every organization to train their employees about harassment prevention.

Types of Workplace Harassment

Some of us might already be too accustomed in doing some things and not know that is already a form of harassment. Some form of workplace harassment includes:

  • offensive jokes
  • insulting your co-worker
  • name-calling
  • physical attacks or threats
  • bullying
  • mockery
  • insults
  • offensive pictures
  • sexual harassment
  • discrimination

We take some of these forms lightly because we think that our behavior is acceptable. However, we must be sensitive enough that these actions are already hurting other people.

Mandatory Anti-Harassment Training in California

The Californian government sees the importance of anti-harassment training in the workplace. Thus, they have the AB 1835 California Law in place to require companies to conduct a mandatory harassment prevention training. Below are the harassment training requirements in California as stated in the law:

  • All companies with at least 50 employees must conduct a sexual harassment prevention training course for all employees in their supervisory level. They must undergo this training within six months after they were hired or promoted.
  • The training must be at least 2 hours. It must also be interactive. Instructor-led training is acceptable. Online harassment training programs are also allowed.
  • Full time and Part time employees are included the 50 employee requirement.

A company can tap the help of a third party expert to conduct the harassment prevention training in California. Since harassment is a sensitive topic, it would be best that your employees will be trained by people who are very much knowledgeable about the matter.

Purposes of a Harassment Training

Conducting a harassment training serves the following purposes:

  1. Prevention.  It takes a single harassment case to destroy a working relationship forever. A harassment case can cause bad blood between the harasser and the harassed – something that they will bring with them always and can affect their productivity at work.  Preventing this from happening can give positive effects to the relationship of your employees and to the company as well. Once your employees are aware of the different forms of harassment, they can be more sensitive in dealing with their colleagues.
  2. Promotes Inclusivity.  A harassment prevention training can help the organization be more open to the diversity of the workforce they belong to. Being aware of the possible consequences of their actions, employees can be more open to the differences of the people they are working with.
  3. It serves as an Affirmative Defense.  The training serves as a foundation of a long-term goal – a harassment-free workplace. With constant training and re-training, your company will be able to build an affirmative defense and create an environment that is free from the toxicity of the consequences of harassment.

Importance of Harassment Prevention Training

Your organization can benefit a lot from the harassment prevention training. Here are some of the benefits of anti-harassment policies:

  1. Strengthen Professional Relationships.  Once your employees are aware of the possible situations that can cause harm to their colleagues, then they will be more aware of their actions. The increased sensitivity and empathy brought about by the harassment prevention training can further strengthen professional relationships among your employees.
  2. Preventing a Bigger Problem.  As stated earlier, one case of harassment is what it takes to poison a professional relationship forever. Once your people are trained, you will be able to prevent a lot of these cases to happen. This can prevent a more significant problem to occur which is the creation of a hostile environment for your people.
  3. Proper handling of Harassment Cases.  The training will also allow supervisors and managers to handle harassment cases well correctly. By being equipped with the right knowledge, the management will know how to act accordingly should there be a harassment case in the company.

As employers, we would want to provide our employees with a safe and conducive environment for working. As employees, we yearn to be in an environment where we feel that we are accepted, safe and secure.

Thus, creating a safe and secure environment in the workplace will be beneficial for both the company and its people.

Harassment Prevention Training
1 reply
  1. Ellie Davis
    Ellie Davis says:

    It’s interesting to know that most companies with at least 50 employees must conduct a sexual harassment prevention training course for all employees. My husband is thinking about how to improve his company’s environment, and I’m helping him with information. I will let him know about the benefits of sexual harassment training courses for his company.


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