This training is specifically designed to meet the training requirements of California AB 1825, specifically: 2+ hours long, interactive, customizable with company policy, and allows interaction with the training administrator. The training also provides a wide variety of scenarios that give trainees a strong understanding of the many ways harassment in the workplace can occur. Optional audio adds reinforcement of the training concepts.
- Costs of sexual harassment
- Liability for actions of supervisors
- Definition of sexual harassment
- California law governing sexual harassment
- Protected classes under California’s FEHA
- Protected classes under Federal Law
- Types of sexual harassment
- Questions and answers about sexual harassment
- Prevention of abusive conduct and bullying
- Internet and email use
- Preventing sexual harassment
- Reporting sexual harassment
- Reporting sexual harassment
- Policy on sexual harassment
Also, learn about General Management Workshops
Is It Time To Revise Your Employee Handbook? Do you find yourself struggling with policies and procedures? This workshop provides business owners, executives, and human resource professionals with insight into the current trends of employee handbook development and implementation.
Topics that will be covered:
- What disclaimers should the handbook contain?
- Do’s and Don’ts of developing your handbook
- Handling Employee Handbooks with care.
- Major policy statements
- Topics to include in your employee handbook
Employers of every size and in every industry face employment law challenges. These issues present risks and often divert management’s attention from other important business matters.
Topics to be discussed include:
- How to conduct a proper investigation thoroughly.
- Preparing for an investigation
- Strategies for interviewing the alleged victim, the alleged accused and witnesses
- Concluding the investigation
- Preparing the investigative report
- Post-investigation measures
Minimize your liability when terminating an employee or executing disciplinary processes. This training discusses appropriate supervision concerns, important documentation required to minimize liability, and acceptable termination exercises.
Topics Include:
- Documentation is important but what type of paperwork should you keep?
- Did you unintentionally create an employment contract when you said certain things to an employee?
- What do you need to know in order to fire at will?
- What are some key factors about the final paycheck?
- Can you discharge an employee’s while he’s on workers’ comp?
Discover the best practices of HR and effective methods of managing employees through the five phases of employment. Participants will learn how to reduce legal liability through increased knowledge of labor, employment and human resource law.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Employment application, reference checks, and requirements for reporting new hires
- Negligent hiring and retention
- Employee privacy issues
- Employment laws by the numbers
- Claims for Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Cultural diversity is essential to maintaining a balanced organization. In global organizations whose operations include business dealings and affiliations in other countries, understanding cultural differences is key to successful business partnerships. Employees should be aware of the importance of respecting the cultural differences of others, and employers can offer training to increase awareness and to better equip employees to function in a diverse workplace.
- Developing proactive diversity awareness measures to augment human resources policies and procedures;
- Supporting and strengthening organizational values, goals and objectives; and
- Promoting the recruitment and retention of diversified talent pools.
- Enhancing multicultural and social awareness;
The key to contesting a claim is having good management practices overall. Implement these strategies now to put the brakes on unemployment claims later. The five ways to contest unemployment claims
A look at the laws, in which generally take effect on January 1, 2017, unless otherwise noted. A review of policies and practices to ensure compliance and to limit potential exposure depending on their varying needs and concerns. Updates include:
- AB 2535: Expansion of Itemized Wage Statement Exception to Total Hours Requirement
Increase efficiency in hiring and retention and to ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment and selection process. The introduction to the steps you need to take to attract a talented and diverse applicant pool.
- Identify Vacancy and Evaluate Need
- Develop Position Description
- Develop Recruitment Plan
- Post Position and Implement Recruitment Plan
- Review Applicants and Develop Short List
- Conduct Interviews
- Select Hire
- Finalize Recruitment
Companies have been giving performance reviews for decades, but many are not producing the outcome that the company desires. Most employees view performance reviews with reluctance, because it is not a pleasant experience. Learn the essential element of not only what should be in a performance review, but also how to conduct an effective review process. This workshop provides business owners, executives, and human resource professionals with ways to revamp their performance review process to actually improve employee performance. You will also learn what it takes to be a successful performance coach. The skills and characteristics of a successful coach will be discussed. Learn what it takes to successfully coach an employee for improved performance.
Topics that will be covered
- Keys to a good appraisal process
- Benefits to a appraisal process that works
- How to write effective objectives
- What is the difference between coaching & mentoring
- What are the characteristics of a good coach?
Learn coaching techniques that can change employee behavior beyond the short term and help you through the dismissal process.
Topics that will be covered:
- Develop a disciplinary process
- Important documentation required
- Verbal employment contracts
- Termination of at will employment
- The final paycheck
Under the NLRA and related case law there are only a few things employers cannot do in terms of communicating about unions with their employees. They can be summed up in the acronym TIPS. Beyond those limitations, it is absolutely legal for employers to discuss unions with employees regarding facts, experiences, and their opinions about unions. Three Strategies for making your workplace better than a union shop:
- Strategy #1: Encourage Open Communication
- Strategy #2: Scrutinize Compensation and Other Benefits
- Strategy #3: Train Supervisors on Proper Attitudes and Actions
Supervisors who don’t know the law are ticking time bombs, lawsuits waiting to happen. In this session, we will discuss several important laws relevant to different industries, with time to answer specific questions. We will also discuss the 10 common but avoidable supervisor slip-ups that provoke lawsuits and costly judgments against companies.
Over 95,000 discrimination claims were filed in 2008 according to a report compiled by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. This workshop will address preventive strategies for avoiding discrimination, significant legislation related to discrimination, and avoiding liability by raising awareness of workplace biases.
Topics to be discussed include:
- American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Labor Code Section 132(a)
- Title VII
- Employee termination and disability leaves
- Protection for former drug addicts
Two million employees fall victim to workplace violence each year. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their employees are properly prepared. Developing and implementing a violence prevention program can help prevent disasters and protect your employees from falling victim to violence. Prudent organizations are able to respond swiftly and effectively in the case of emergency. Are you prepared?
Topics to be discussed include:
- Create a prevention plan
- Commitment of management
- Risk factors of escalating behavior
- Employee involvement
- Establishment of policies and procedures
Coordinating leave benefits for employees has become very complex as federal and state laws governing leaves have evolved. At the same time, employers are looking for ways to reduce employee absences. This workshop provides an overview of the various types of leave benefits and demonstrates how policy and administrative processes impact leave usage. This workshop provides business owners, executives, and human resource professionals with insight into the complexity of managing leaves of absences and related recordkeeping practices.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Understanding leave benefits
- Conquering the Family and Medical Leave Act
- Administering and managing leave efficiently
- Coordinating leave benefits
- Analyzing attendance patterns
- Identifying strategies for reducing employee absences
- Understand mandatory and non-mandatory leaves of absence policies